My Portion

Setting the scene:
GOD and I are taking a stroll in the evening.
I’ve had a tough day and I’m heading to a dark place in my thoughts …

Why can’t I?
He has more, I have less.
She gets that, mine’s only this.
Their lot is better, bigger and easier.

I’m here. You have me!

But what about that blessing over there?
Can’t that me mine instead?
It’s just so …


I didn’t say that!
(There is silence for a split second before my thoughts become accusations.)
But You have handed that to them.
You’ve given all that they needed.
Why is it harder?
I don’t even have …

Before you finish that thought, let me show you something.
Look up, what do you see?

The night.

Is the night sky empty?

Well no. There are stars and a moon

Yes, but there is also that band of light that your eyes cannot detect at first
It is hidden when closer lights shine brighter
But it is still there.
Then there are planets that you have mistaken for mere stars
Because you have not studied them.
Then deeper still there are other galaxies, swirling and growing, colliding and exploding
Is the night sky empty?

It is fuller than I first thought.

Why would I fill a night sky and create such a spectacle?

I don’t know.

I made it for you.

For me?

I made it for this moment with you.

You did that for me?

I have hidden things so that you might find them when the other lights are dimmed
I have given you perspective so that you can change your understanding
I have deeper plans that swirl and grow but would confuse you if they were revealed too soon
I am all that you need
You don’t need to search elsewhere or chase after what was never meant to be yours
I am your share and inheritance

My share?

The very things that you need for the present

My inheritance?

All that you will ever need

But it all feels so small

Then let me turn out this light.

(Instantly the street lights dim, the background light fades and the stars are brighter than I have ever seen them before)


I know! But you hadn’t seen it until this moment.

It isn’t small is it?

No! But I feel small!

You are … and I hold this in my hand.
I am more than enough for you.
I am your share and your inheritance.
(He takes my hand)
I am the creator and God of the whole Earth
I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end
I am the ancient of days and the King eternal
King of glory, King of kings
I am the star out of Jacob, the sun of righteous, radiance of glory and the bright morning star
I am your hiding place, your refuge, your fortress, your stronghold, your shield and your firm foundation
I am your shade
I am your advocate, deliverer, redeemer, avenger and saviour
I am the breath of life, the fountain of living waters and the source
I am the GOD who sees you
I am almighty, jealous, faithful and true
I am your counsellor, shepherd, leader, high priest, intercessor and your mediator
I am your friend
I am excellent, wonderful and good
I am the crown and diadem of beauty, the lily of the valley, the desire of all nations and the light of the world
I am the wall of fire, the refiners’ fire and the consuming fire
I am Lord
Lord of glory, Lord of lords, Lord of hosts and Lord of all
I am the lawgiver, the governor and the judge
I am the lion and the lamb
I am the one
The elect one, the anointed one, the righteous one, the chosen one, the holy one and the eternal one
I am Immanuel, your Father
I am with you
I am your share
I am your inheritance
I am all you need

(I can barely speak and need look away from His face and into the night sky. My tiny heart beats faster, my mind cannot contain all that He has declared He is. I am so small in this universe, but He is very big and bright. Yet He has my hand in His. My attention is then drawn back to His face and I know that everything He has said is real. I take a deep breath and whisper …)

You are my share and my inheritance.
You have been, You are and You will always be enough.
You Lord, are my portion.


Katy 😉


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