Most Blessed

We are living in unusual days; social distancing and isolating ourselves under government guidelines in order to protect the most vulnerable in society and give the health care system as much help as we can. We cannot get away from the news of the virus and fear has griped much of the human population. The ransacked supermarket shelves reflect the nation’s state of desperation to save themselves and their families.

But what about those of us who know GOD? How are we faring in these times?

I haven’t posted a blog for a while (… and just to let you know both Rachel and I haven’t forgotten you). I find myself here again, wanting to spread a bit of hope and perspective in light of all that is happening around us.

Let’s dive in …

Most blessed of sons is Asher; let him be favoured by his brothers, and let him bathe his feet in oil, the bolts of your gates will be iron and bronze and your strength will equal your days. Deuteronomy 33:24-25

Asher was the eighth son of Jacob (later known as Israel). His descendants became the tribe of Asher. This tribe seems like it is nothing special; they weren’t the ones that served at the temple like the tribe of Levi; they weren’t the largest tribe like Judah; they didn’t descend from the eldest son, Reuben. However, Jacob (Israel) did bless Asher in Genesis 49:20 saying that Asher’s food will be rich; he will provide delicacies fit for a king. This declaration over the tribe of Asher by Moses picks up and reemphasises what Jacob had said about his son those many years before.

It begins with the two words, ‘most blessed’. The ‘most blessed’ status didn’t come from Asher’s rank or role. The tribe was shown to be ‘most blessed’ by the other brothers/tribes giving favour but the status came from somewhere else.

Asher carried a declaration that had been handed down generations and was renewed in this moment. The declaration that Asher would be most blessed created an atmosphere that allowed Asher to not be constrained by role, size or rank. Asher was free to be most blessed without having to prove themselves. The declaration came from the mouth of Moses but was the voice of GOD. They were to be favoured by others not because of what the world saw them as or how it ranked them, but be favoured by what they carried. It was extraordinary yet exactly how it should have been.

The blessing would shape areas of the tribe’s lives.

Asher would have more than enough, in fact, so much more than enough that it overflows. The oil was for anointing the head, yet here it flows so abundantly that it can be used to bathe feet.

Asher would have strength even in the places of vulnerability. The gates were the weakest part of a fortress, yet here they are fortified with iron and bronze. Weakness and frailty would not come but strength would equal their days.

What should our response be? Knowing that GOD is not stingy or withholding allows us to step into these truths too.

We are most blessed because we are not constrained by the world’s ideas of who we are and who we should be; we have real freedom. GOD pulls us into His family and declares a blessing over us by pouring out His grace.

But GOD demonstrates His own love for us in this; while we were still sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

If GOD declares something over you it is true and certain. In this time of having our lives shaken, perhaps it is the time to revisit some of the declarations that GOD has spoken over you, your family and the church. There are plenty of verses in the Bible to go through and study that describe who we are in Christ and the role He wants us to take up. Perhaps there are personal prophesies you should get out and look through. Just because we have present physical restrictions in this world, does not mean that the restrictions apply to us spiritually. It is time to think outside the normal and be extraordinary.

It is time to get rid of the mentality that tells us that we have to have some form of ranking to make a difference or be of use to GOD. He wants you to engage with Him. He doesn’t restrict you because of your role in or out of church, age or gender; He doesn’t rank you according to how well you have taken to homeschooling, working from home or how you are managing your time alone. In the midst of all this, He has chosen to invite you to do life with Him at the centre. We have more than enough when GOD is central. Our vulnerabilities are strong and fortified by His presence.

It is time to take our eyes off of ourselves, these troubles and fears and instead fix them on Him. We should be considering how our most blessed situation can be extended to others around us. How will you show who you are in this season?

Katy 😉


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