Bountiful Storehouse

There is a book (and film) called ‘Inkheart’ by Cornelia Funke. In the story, Mo, who is able to read things into existence from the pages of a book, picks up Treasure Island. As he reads about the gold, coins begin to fall from the air and cover the ground in this fictional treasure. It is a magical scene and the other characters are full of wonder at it.

No one can physically produce that kind of treasure yet this one verse in Deuteronomy made me think of that scene.

The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of His bounty. Deuteronomy 28:12

I read this verse and thought about the rain pouring from the sky as GOD opened the heavens. He was going to supply all the peoples’ needs out of His bounty. Their need was rain for their crops, their wealth was dependent on what He would provide. He would not give them just enough, but access to His storehouse.

The ‘if’ to this abundance is the ‘if they pay attention to the commands’. The storehouse of His bounty was open to anyone who would do as asked.

How do I know what He has commanded? He speaks in so many ways but the one most accessible way to know His commands is in the Bible. He has given it all in this handy book. However, as I read the pages there appear to be so many commands that it feels impossible to access this storehouse. I think about just the 10 commandments let alone all the other weird and wonderful ones in Leviticus and Deuteronomy, and wonder if I can keep even the first. It is easy to give up before I have even begun. It is no wonder then, why we find it so difficult to read our treasure filled pages. But is this really what GOD intended for us to feel? Do we really know what a bountiful storehouse this book He has authored actually is?

As I have read and journaled, I have discovered and seen just a little fraction of the treasure from heaven; this is a heavenly storehouse laden with all that I need. As I stop and get into His book, I come to know the abundance of His bountiful storehouse.

The storehouse is open for all my life past; Jesus opened the storehouse by giving his life for me. He replaced all my rags and gave me garments of praise. He fulfilled all the commands so that I can be free from death.

The storehouse is available for today; no matter what this day brings be it good or bad, the bountiful GOD is never stingy or looking the other way. His eyes have been on His people since the very beginning and He won’t turn away now.

The storehouse is full for the future; I have a sure and certain hope because of Jesus. I am able to store up treasure in heaven for all eternity. This treasure doesn’t fade away.

If you had access to a bountiful storehouse, wouldn’t you go to it? If you were feeling poor and poverty stricken, isn’t it the best place to find all you need? If you knew where to find freedom, wouldn’t you want to escape to that place?

The commands are impossible to fulfil. I cannot do it, but this treasure trove of a book tells me of the one that has, of the one that did it all so that I can be free. He is my inspiration to not give up going after GOD.

I want to read the pages of this book and see my life emerge from all the treasure it contains. I want to read the words GOD inspired others to write and let them breathe life in these bones. I want to read about the bountiful storehouse that GOD wants to open and see it happen in my day and my lifetime in my town, in my country and in my world.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21

Let my treasure, and my heart, be found only in Him.

Katy 😉

Ironically, as I did this page an over abundant blob of gold paint oozed out of the tube and into my drawing and onto my fingers. I didn’t want that much! But isn’t that just like our Father? He is always extravagant and not miserly when it comes to His children.


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